Four Points to Consider If You Are Planning on Putting a Well on Your Property

25 May 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Are you thinking about putting a well on your land? Wondering what you should consider? Take a look at these tips.

1. Investigate the Presence of Old Wells

Before paying someone to bore a new well, you should check for existing wells on the property. In some cases, you can revive them. In other cases, they help you figure out where the water table is, or if the well is dry, they give you an indication that you need to bore in another area.

In some cases, old wells were not reported. As a result, only the previous owners or neighbours in the area may know where they are.

2. Consult Experts About the Water Table

Figuring out water table levels is tricky, and as boring is an investment, you want to make sure that you are doing it in the most effective spot. To help, you may want to turn to a commercial water boring expert.

Alternatively, to prepare on your own before contacting the boring company, you may want to contact your state or territory's Office of Water or Department of Water or hire a hydrogeology consultant.

3. Consider the Costs

If you have the option to join a municipal or rural water system, you may want to compare the costs of boring your own well to joining that water system. In most cases, putting in a well is more expensive upfront.

However, wells tend to be a cheaper way to get water in the long run. With municipal water, you pay for the water by volume plus any monthly or annual surcharges assessed by the water provider. In contrast, if you have your own well, you only pay for the electricity that fuels the well's pump.

In addition, however, with wells, you have to handle the maintenance of the pump, pipes and well itself, but on the other hand, wells often help to increase the value of the property. Ultimately, you have to decide if the costs outweigh the potential returns.

4. Estimate Your Water Needs

Whether you are adding a pump for irrigation or just for personal indoor use, you should take some time to estimate your anticipated water needs. Research how much water is generally needed by your type of landscaping or fields, and then, look at water bills from your previous home to estimate how much you use indoors. That information will help guide the water borer to the right type of well and the correct location for your needs.
