Main Types of Insulation

21 June 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

No matter the climatic conditions of your location, insulation is a must-have for any home. For hotter climates, the insulation acts as a barrier preventing thermal gain into your home, keeping the temperature at a comfortable level and minimising your reliance on air conditioning. Conversely, in colder climates, the insulation will function to prevent thermal loss in your residence. However, investing in insulation is not merely about purchasing the first type you come across. You need to consider the various types to ensure that the insulation will meet your requirements. So what are the main types of insulation you could choose from?

Insulation batts

This type of insulation is one of the most commonly used options available in the market. Insulation batts are made from flexible materials, with the most popular option being fibreglass. The materials are fashioned into a blanket design, which is then directly installed onto the areas that require insulation. One thing to note about batts is that the degree of insulation that they provide you with depends on the thickness of the materials. Therefore, if you want higher thermal resistance in your home, the thicker the batts should be. Batt insulation is also available with different types of features depending on your needs. Some of the features that you could opt to have included in your batts include mould resistance, fire resistance, moisture resistance and more.

Insulation foam

One of the newest entrants into the insulation market is spray foam. As the name implies, this insulation is directly sprayed on the various spaces that would require thermal resistance. Once the foam is sprayed, it starts to expand, which enables it to fill in awkwardly shaped corners and crevices that may be on the wall. Spray foam insulation is also ideal for spaces that may have various obstructions that would get in the way of the installation process, which typically would be in the form of plumbing and other types of piping.

Insulation boards

These types of insulation have a rigid profile with a specialised coating applied on either surface of the board. Foam boards are popular, as they take up minimal space, without compromising the degree of insulation your home receives. Nonetheless, they are only functional for spaces without any protrusions in place such as flooring, unfinished walls and ceilings. Insulation boards can also be used in conjunction with other insulation profiles, with the most common option being insulation batts.  
