Three Surprising Ways That Double-Glazed Windows Improve Your Security

16 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

More and more people are becoming aware of the fact that annealed glass windows do not offer any thermal efficiency. Thus, they have steadily switched to more energy-efficient options, and a popular solution that homeowners are gravitating toward is the double-glazed window. A major benefit that this type of window offers is transforming your property into an energy-efficient house since the glass will not transfer outdoor temperature to the indoors and vice versa. Read More 

Buying a Home? Look Out for These Common Electrical Problems

16 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

The electrical system is one of the most elaborate systems in a house as it provides energy for lighting, heating, cooling and powering equipment. Conducting a pre-purchase electrical inspection is a crucial step as it unearths potential issues that could cost you a lot of money in repairs in the future. Therefore, before buying a home, look out for the following electrical problems that can be a nightmare in the future. Read More 

3 Subtle Signs Your Plumbing System Is Screaming for a Professional Plumber’s Touch

25 November 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Knowing when to call a plumber is critical if you want to avoid expensive plumbing repairs. Unfortunately, most homeowners wait until it is too late before calling a plumber, and this often leads to costly repairs. In most cases, such delay is usually borne from the lack of knowledge of the subtle signs of plumbing problems. Having a clear understanding of the early signs of a troublesome plumbing system helps you to know when to call a plumber and save your house's plumbing system. Read More 

What You Should Know About Foam Bitumen

9 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Foam bitumen is a critical element in pavement stabilisation. You can trace the utility of foam bitumen back to 1956. The foam bitumen design allows it to be useful in recycling projects as well as highway stabilisation projects. This technology is also necessary for the construction of airport pavement. Here is all you should know about foam bitumen as well as foam bitumen stabilisation. Defining foamed bitumen You can produce foamed bitumen by mixing water with hot bitumen. Read More 

2 Alternatives to Tree Topping That Are Safer For You and Your Tree

12 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have a tree in your back or front yard that is getting a little too big for the space it occupies? Does your yard seem smaller or more cramped as a result? Then, you might be considering topping your tree, a process that involves removing the entire upper portion of a tree, leaving stubs where there were once a trunk and branches. This would be unwise, however. There's a reason why trees grow leaves in the spring and shed them in autumn. Read More